“When any living system is out of alignment, from our physical bodies to the organizations within which we live and work, it becomes increasingly challenging to thrive.”
Even before the global pandemic, companies needed to adopt business agility to succeed in today’s increasingly competitive markets and exceed evolving customer and stakeholder expectations.
To do so, modern leaders must understand how to optimize their organizational alignment — or risk fragmentation.
What You Will Learn
Author and National People & Change Practice Lead, Deb Peluso, will explain:
- What “alignment” is and why your organization needs it
- What an unhealthy alignment looks like
- What the Organization Alignment Framework is, and how it provides a holistic view into your organization
- How to align your organization from both the outside-in and the inside-out
- How leaders can build change practices into their design activities to ensure alignment.
As a modern leader, you need a healthy, productive organization. With this white paper, you’ll learn how proper alignment can get you there.